Solar Storage Investment

Charging batteries in Series-Parallel or Series Important to know the difference in the two types.

Charging batteries in Series

Charging batteries in Series
Charging batteries in Series

Charging batteries in Series

Of course we could all really do to watch this video! Time and time again. Because, along with many other people, Consequently, I can never remember which way round the two methods are for what results. Expressly, this video demonstrates how to wire your batteries in series and in parallel.

Specifically, I will start by explaining what the series method is. So, this method starts by connecting the negative terminal to one of your batteries. Alternately, connect the positive terminal to the other battery. Of course, this method is to increase the voltage. So, 2 x 12 volts will give you 24 volts by using this method.

To make a parallel connection. Charging batteries in Series

We connect the same terminals to each battery. As expected, the positive to positive (red colour cable) and negative to negative (black colour cable) By connecting the batteries by this method, you will have increased the amp rating. Therefore, 2 x 12 volt 34 Ah batteries will give you the equivalent of a 1 x 12 volt 68 Ah battery system. Naturally, the voltage remains the same. Accordingly, the amp rating is actually doubled. So, in this case, 68!

The video demonstrates how to get 24 and 36 volts from a series of 12 Volt batteries.

Coupled with deep-cycle batteries

Deep-cycle batteries are ideal for solar battery storage! These batteries have much thicker lead alloy plates than the standard car batteries. Specifically, it is used where a deep cycle is required. The simplest way to explain this is that these batteries will drain their power and then recharge. Of course, this is without causing any damage or stress to your batteries.

Some of our customers have started using “Leisure Batteries for Solar Storage.”

 Leisure batteries are available with twin posts. Twin posts enable the user to join the batteries together more easily and safely. For this reason, these batteries are becoming very popular. Although the term “leisure batteries” is now becoming a little more complicated,

The advent of the very popular leisure vehicle market has brought out many new or upgraded battery products. So, each battery manufacturer is vying for a place in this massive market for leisure batteries. In fact, our biggest-selling battery part number is the 110 Ah twin-post battery. Accordingly, this battery size is bought by motorhome owners, small and medium-sized boats, and, of course, caravan and campervan owners.

Of course, this is another reason that this “Charging batteries in Series” article can be useful!

Many users of these leisure vehicles, whether on land or water, So, you have to connect two or more batteries. Most vehicles require a regular starter battery wired up to a secondary storage battery. This secondary battery should, in my opinion, be an AGM or a semi-traction battery.

Importantly, these are the batteries that we should also be using on solar storage battery systems. For this reason, many battery manufacturers have engineered some excellent products. Companies such as Exide, Trojan, Lucas, Numax, U.S. batteries,and Optima, to name a few.

many of the owners of medium to large boats buy the excellent Bosch leisure batteries. Giving them the ultimate power and reliability required in these vessels. of course, when sailing at sea them quality equipment is essential to power the boats navigation equipment and all the other important electrics on board.

To begin finalising ! most people replace their batteries like for like !

As battery sellers we can only give the public so much advice. Of course price is also a large factor when purchasing your next battery.

possibly then this is one of the reasons that there is so much variety and choice, when buying your new battery. Just the same as most other consumables. Surprisingly, I have just finished a great book that includes  section about “boat batteries”.

So, this book is called “The 12 Volt Bible For Boats”. Charging batteries in Series

Of course, the part that I was most interested in was the battery section. Not been a boat owner then I am not familiar with parts about wiring except for perhaps cables and terminals to be used on Charging batteries in Series .

This book is co-written by a guy called “Ed Sherman”. So, Ed writes all about your boat batteries. Including, different types of batteries including the newer AGM batteries and the GEL batteries.

However I was very happy to read his conclusion about which battery to use ? “He states that the more thin plates that you put in one cell ! Then the more surface is exposed, Therefore giving the battery more cranking power by putting thick heavy plates in the same cells.

Therefore, reduces the cranking capacity” as we know this is not needed in deep cycle batteries. So giving the battery more reserve power. However this can be overcome by increasing your battery size, giving you the best of both worlds”

So Ed always buys the biggest battery that he can fit into his boat. Charging batteries in Series

Meaning the biggest size, big in weight, performance rating and the number of plates. All this was news to my ears. Of course this also ties up with the fact that the NCC (National Caravan Club) actually weight the batteries that they verify for their battery scheme.

Naturally the heavier the battery then the more plates will be fitted giving more storage and starting power ! The best of both worlds.

So going forward to 2022 then things are improving slowly but surely with stocks returning to the shelves.