Of course, batteries on the web supply all types of car batteries.
so, with a next-working-day delivery. We supply batteries from all leading battery manufacturers, from Lucas to Varta.
Firstly, they supply batteries for cars, trucks, boats, motorcycles, solar energy, and mobility scooters.
Secondly, we are also stockists of Pennine King Power and Apollo batteries in the Yorkshire area.
Thirdly, customers can collect their batteries from Pellon Autocentre, Pellon Lane, in Halifax, West Yorkshire.
Finally, it is advised to call us and check stock first.
The best practice, in my opinion, is to replace your batteries like for like.
So, to make things a little easier, the BCI (Battery Council International) came up with some battery size guides. Of course, we now know these as guide battery sizes, which are Group 24, 27, and 31 batteries.