Size: YTX20BSCapacity: 18AH/12VLayout: Negative Right / Positive Left (Viewed Terminals Nearest User)
CCA: 260 (Power available; this is the important bit)
Length: 175 mmWidth: 87 mmHeight: 154 mm
Of course, this battery comes dry and is supplied with a “Liquifix” acid pack.
Consequently, you fill the battery with the supplied acid pack.
Once filled, you should leave it to stand for 30 minutes.
If possible, the battery voltage must be measured using a voltmeter.
As a result, if it exceeds 12.7 volts, the battery is ready to use at once.
Subsequently, if the battery voltage is lower, it will need recharging.
This battery then becomes an AGM-maintenance-free battery. Hence, no topping up.
“Ride with confidence; choose Numax!”Are you a proud owner of a motorcycle in the UK? When it comes to keeping your bike roaring on the road, Numax has got your back!Our AGM, Liquefix, and free-flowing lead-acid batteries are engineered to perfection.Whether you’re cruising the scenic routes of Yorkshire or tackling the curves of the Scottish Highlands, Numax has a battery to fit your ride.Trust in the power of Numax and ride with confidence!